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// vitepress-plugin-github-issues.mts
import axios from 'axios';
import fs from 'fs';
import path from 'path';
import type { Plugin } from 'vitepress';
interface ReplaceRule {
baseUrl: string; // 要匹配的基地址
targetUrl: string; // 替换后的目标地址
interface GitHubIssuesPluginOptions {
repo: string; // GitHub repository info in the format 'owner/repo'
token: string;
replaceRules: ReplaceRule[];
githubProxy: string;
async function fetchAllIssues(repo: string, token: string): Promise<any[]> {
const maxRetries = 3; // 最大重试次数
let attempt = 0;
const allIssues: any[] = [];
let page = 1;
while (true) {
while (attempt < maxRetries) {
try {
const response = await axios.get(`https://api.github.com/repos/${repo}/issues`, {
headers: {
Authorization: `token ${token}`
params: {
page: page,
per_page: 100 // 每页最多返回100条记录
// 如果没有更多问题了,退出循环
if (response.data.length === 0) {
return allIssues;
page++; // 下一页
attempt = 0; // 重置尝试次数
break; // 退出尝试循环
} catch (error) {
if (error.response && error.response.status === 503) {
console.error(`服务不可用, 正在重试...`);
const waitTime = Math.pow(2, attempt) * 1000; // 指数等待时间
await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, waitTime));
} else {
throw error; // 如果不是503错误抛出错误并停止重试
if (attempt >= maxRetries) {
throw new Error('最大重试次数已达,请检查 API 状态(可能是请求过于频繁)');
async function fetchIssueComments(repo: string, issueNumber: number, token: string): Promise<any[]> {
const maxRetries = 3;
let attempt = 0;
const allComments: any[] = [];
let page = 1;
while (true) {
while (attempt < maxRetries) {
try {
const response = await axios.get(
headers: {
Authorization: `token ${token}`,
params: {
page: page,
per_page: 100,
if (response.data.length === 0) {
return allComments; // 如果没有更多评论,退出循环
attempt = 0;
break; // 成功获取评论数据,退出重试
} catch (error: any) {
if (error.response && error.response.status === 503) {
const waitTime = Math.pow(2, attempt) * 1000;
await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, waitTime));
} else {
throw error;
if (attempt >= maxRetries) {
throw new Error('最大重试次数已达,请检查 API 状态(可能是请求过于频繁)');
function clearDirectory(dir: string) {
if (fs.existsSync(dir)) {
fs.readdirSync(dir).forEach((file) => {
const filePath = path.join(dir, file);
if (fs.lstatSync(filePath).isDirectory()) {
clearDirectory(filePath); // 递归清理子目录
} else {
fs.unlinkSync(filePath); // 删除文件
console.log(`Cleared directory: ${dir}`);
function copyFile(source: string, destination: string) {
if (fs.existsSync(source)) {
fs.copyFileSync(source, destination);
console.log(`Copied file from ${source} to ${destination}`);
} else {
console.error(`file not found at ${source}`);
// 在文件开头插入内容
function prependToFile(filePath: string, text: string) {
const content = fs.readFileSync(filePath, 'utf-8');
const updatedContent = `${text}\n\n${content}`;
fs.writeFileSync(filePath, updatedContent, 'utf-8');
console.log(`Prepended text to ${filePath}`);
function replaceGithubAssetUrls(content: string, githubProxy: string): string {
const pattern1 = /https:\/\/github\.com\/[^\/]+\/[^\/]+\/assets\/[\w-]+/g;
const pattern2 = /https:\/\/github\.com\/user-attachments\/assets\/[\w-]+/g;
const proxyPrefix = "https://cloudflare-github-proxy.hanxi-info.workers.dev/proxy";
// 使用正则表达式替换符合条件的链接
const transformedContent = content.replace(pattern1, (match) => {
return match.replace("https://github.com", githubProxy);
}).replace(pattern2, (match) => {
return match.replace("https://github.com", githubProxy);
return transformedContent;
export default function GitHubIssuesPlugin(options: GitHubIssuesPluginOptions): Plugin {
const { repo, token, replaceRules, githubProxy } = options;
return {
name: 'vitepress-plugin-github-issues',
async buildStart() {
try {
const issues = await fetchAllIssues(repo, token);
console.log(`Fetched ${issues.length} issues from GitHub`); // Log the number of issues fetched
const docsDir = path.join(process.cwd(), 'issues');
// 清空 issues 目录
// Create a directory to store markdown files if it doesn't exist
if (!fs.existsSync(docsDir)) {
console.log(`Created docs directory: ${docsDir}`);
// 拷贝 ../README.md 文件到当前目录
const readmeSource = path.join(process.cwd(), '../README.md');
const readmeDestination = path.join(docsDir, 'index.md');
copyFile(readmeSource, readmeDestination);
// 拷贝 ../CHANGELOG.md 文件到当前目录
const changelogSource = path.join(process.cwd(), '../CHANGELOG.md');
const changelogDestination = path.join(docsDir, 'changelog.md');
copyFile(changelogSource, changelogDestination);
prependToFile(changelogDestination, '# 变更日志');
for (const issue of issues) {
// 仅处理包含 "文档" 标签的 issue
const hasDocumentLabel = issue.labels.some(label => label.name === '文档');
if (hasDocumentLabel) {
const title = issue.title.replace(/[\/\\?%*:|"<>]/g, '-');
const fileName = `${issue.number}.md`;
// 获取评论数据
const comments = await fetchIssueComments(repo, issue.number, token);
let content =
title: ${issue.title}
# ${title}
## 评论
// 插入评论
if (comments.length > 0) {
comments.forEach((comment, index) => {
content += `
### 评论 ${index + 1} - ${comment.user.login}
} else {
content += "没有评论。\n";
replaceRules.forEach(({ baseUrl, targetUrl }) => {
// 将 baseUrl 转换为正则表达式,匹配后接的路径部分
const pattern = new RegExp(`${baseUrl.replace(/[-/\\^$*+?.()|[\]{}]/g, '\\$&')}(/\\d+)`, 'g');
// 替换为目标 URL
content = content.replace(pattern, `${targetUrl}$1.html`);
content = replaceGithubAssetUrls(content, githubProxy);
content += `[链接到 GitHub Issue](${issue.html_url})\n`;
const filePath = path.join(docsDir, fileName);
fs.writeFileSync(filePath, content, { encoding: 'utf8' });
console.log(`Created file: ${filePath}`); // Log each created file
} else {
console.log(`Skipped issue: ${issue.title}`); // Log skipped issues
console.log(`Successfully created markdown files from GitHub issues.`);
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error fetching GitHub issues:', error);