feat: 歌曲信息中的图片改为url #190
This commit is contained in:
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ from xiaomusic.const import (
from xiaomusic.utils import (
@ -20,12 +20,8 @@ from xiaomusic.utils import (
async def test_one_music(filename):
# 获取播放时长
metadata = get_audio_metadata(filename)
print(metadata.title, metadata.album)
if metadata:
lyrics = metadata.lyrics
if lyrics:
print(f"歌曲 : {filename} 的 {lyrics}")
metadata = extract_audio_metadata(filename, "cache/picture_cache")
except Exception as e:
print(f"歌曲 : {filename} no tag {e}")
@ -34,13 +30,14 @@ async def test_one_music(filename):
async def main(directory):
# 获取所有歌曲文件
local_musics = traverse_music_directory(directory, 10, [], SUPPORT_MUSIC_TYPE)
for _, files in local_musics.items():
for file in files:
await test_one_music(file)
# await test_one_music(file)
await test_one_music("./music/一生何求.mp3")
await test_one_music("./music/程响-人间烟火.flac")
if __name__ == "__main__":
@ -255,3 +255,10 @@ class Config:
filename = os.path.join(self.cache_dir, "tag_cache.json")
return filename
def picture_cache_path(self):
cache_path = os.path.join(self.cache_dir, "picture_cache")
if not os.path.exists(cache_path):
return cache_path
@ -429,3 +429,18 @@ async def music_options():
"Accept-Ranges": "bytes",
return Response(headers=headers)
async def get_picture(request: Request, file_path: str):
absolute_path = os.path.abspath(config.picture_cache_path)
absolute_file_path = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(absolute_path, file_path))
if not absolute_file_path.startswith(absolute_path):
raise HTTPException(status_code=404, detail="File not found")
if not os.path.exists(absolute_file_path):
raise HTTPException(status_code=404, detail="File not found")
mime_type, _ = mimetypes.guess_type(absolute_file_path)
if mime_type is None:
mime_type = "image/jpeg"
return FileResponse(absolute_file_path, media_type=mime_type)
@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import asyncio
import base64
import copy
import difflib
import hashlib
import json
import logging
import mimetypes
@ -22,13 +23,14 @@ from urllib.parse import urlparse
import aiohttp
import mutagen
from mutagen.asf import ASF
from mutagen.flac import FLAC
from mutagen.id3 import APIC, ID3
from mutagen.monkeysaudio import MonkeysAudio
from mutagen.id3 import ID3, Encoding, TextFrame, TimeStampTextFrame
from mutagen.mp3 import MP3
from mutagen.mp4 import MP4
from mutagen.oggvorbis import OggVorbis
from mutagen.wave import WAVE
from mutagen.wavpack import WavPack
from opencc import OpenCC
from requests.utils import cookiejar_from_dict
@ -492,149 +494,6 @@ def chinese_to_number(chinese):
return result
def get_audio_metadata(file_path):
ret = Metadata()
if file_path.endswith(".mp3"):
ret = get_mp3_metadata(file_path)
elif file_path.endswith(".flac"):
ret = get_flac_metadata(file_path)
elif file_path.endswith(".wav"):
ret = get_wav_metadata(file_path)
elif file_path.endswith(".ape"):
ret = get_ape_metadata(file_path)
elif file_path.endswith(".ogg"):
ret = get_ogg_metadata(file_path)
elif file_path.endswith(".m4a"):
ret = get_m4a_metadata(file_path)
return {k: str(v) for k, v in asdict(ret).items()}
class Metadata:
title: str = ""
artist: str = ""
album: str = ""
year: str = ""
genre: str = ""
picture: str = ""
lyrics: str = ""
def get_mp3_metadata(file_path):
audio = MP3(file_path, ID3=ID3)
tags = audio.tags
if tags is None:
return Metadata()
# 处理编码
def get_tag_value(tags, k):
if k not in tags:
return ""
v = tags[k]
if isinstance(v, mutagen.id3.TextFrame) and not isinstance(
v, mutagen.id3.TimeStampTextFrame
old_ts = "".join(v.text)
if v.encoding == mutagen.id3.Encoding.LATIN1:
bs = old_ts.encode("latin1")
ts = bs.decode("GBK", errors="ignore")
return ts
return old_ts
return v
metadata = Metadata(
title=get_tag_value(tags, "TIT2"),
artist=get_tag_value(tags, "TPE1"),
album=get_tag_value(tags, "TALB"),
year=get_tag_value(tags, "TDRC"),
genre=get_tag_value(tags, "TCON"),
for tag in tags.values():
if isinstance(tag, APIC):
metadata.picture = base64.b64encode(tag.data).decode("utf-8")
lyrics = tags.getall("USLT")
if lyrics:
metadata.lyrics = lyrics[0]
return metadata
def get_flac_metadata(file_path):
audio = FLAC(file_path)
metadata = Metadata(
title=audio.get("title", [""])[0],
artist=audio.get("artist", [""])[0],
album=audio.get("album", [""])[0],
year=audio.get("date", [""])[0],
genre=audio.get("genre", [""])[0],
if audio.pictures:
picture = audio.pictures[0]
metadata.picture = base64.b64encode(picture.data).decode("utf-8")
if "lyrics" in audio:
metadata.lyrics = audio["lyrics"][0]
return metadata
def get_wav_metadata(file_path):
audio = WAVE(file_path)
metadata = Metadata(
title=audio.get("TIT2", [""])[0],
artist=audio.get("TPE1", [""])[0],
album=audio.get("TALB", [""])[0],
year=audio.get("TDRC", [""])[0],
genre=audio.get("TCON", [""])[0],
return metadata
def get_ape_metadata(file_path):
audio = MonkeysAudio(file_path)
metadata = Metadata(
title=audio.get("TIT2", [""])[0],
artist=audio.get("TPE1", [""])[0],
album=audio.get("TALB", [""])[0],
year=audio.get("TDRC", [""])[0],
genre=audio.get("TCON", [""])[0],
return metadata
def get_ogg_metadata(file_path):
audio = OggVorbis(file_path)
metadata = Metadata(
title=audio.get("title", [""])[0],
artist=audio.get("artist", [""])[0],
album=audio.get("album", [""])[0],
year=audio.get("date", [""])[0],
genre=audio.get("genre", [""])[0],
return metadata
def get_m4a_metadata(file_path):
audio = MP4(file_path)
metadata = Metadata(
title=audio.tags.get("\xa9nam", [""])[0],
artist=audio.tags.get("\xa9ART", [""])[0],
album=audio.tags.get("\xa9alb", [""])[0],
year=audio.tags.get("\xa9day", [""])[0],
genre=audio.tags.get("\xa9gen", [""])[0],
if "covr" in audio.tags:
cover = audio.tags["covr"][0]
metadata.picture = base64.b64encode(cover).decode("utf-8")
return metadata
def list2str(li, verbose=False):
if len(li) > 5 and not verbose:
return f"{li[:2]} ... {li[-2:]} with len: {len(li)}"
@ -651,3 +510,145 @@ async def get_latest_version(package_name: str) -> str:
return data["info"]["version"]
return None
class Metadata:
title: str = ""
artist: str = ""
album: str = ""
year: str = ""
genre: str = ""
picture: str = ""
lyrics: str = ""
def _get_alltag_value(tags, k):
v = tags.getall(k)
if len(v) > 0:
return _to_utf8(v[0])
return ""
def _get_tag_value(tags, k):
if k not in tags:
return ""
v = tags[k]
return _to_utf8(v)
def _to_utf8(v):
if isinstance(v, TextFrame) and not isinstance(v, TimeStampTextFrame):
old_ts = "".join(v.text)
if v.encoding == Encoding.LATIN1:
bs = old_ts.encode("latin1")
ts = bs.decode("GBK", errors="ignore")
return ts
return old_ts
elif isinstance(v, list):
return "".join(v)
return str(v)
def _save_picture(picture_data, save_root, file_path):
# 计算文件名的哈希值
file_hash = hashlib.md5(file_path.encode("utf-8")).hexdigest()
# 创建目录结构
dir_path = os.path.join(save_root, file_hash[-6:])
os.makedirs(dir_path, exist_ok=True)
# 检测图片格式
if picture_data[:3] == b"\xff\xd8\xff":
ext = "jpg"
elif picture_data[:8] == b"\x89PNG\r\n\x1a\n":
ext = "png"
ext = "bin" # 未知格式
# 保存图片
filename = os.path.basename(file_path)
(name, _) = os.path.splitext(filename)
picture_path = os.path.join(dir_path, f"{name}.{ext}")
with open(picture_path, "wb") as img:
return picture_path
def extract_audio_metadata(file_path, save_root):
audio = mutagen.File(file_path)
metadata = Metadata()
tags = audio.tags
if tags is None:
return asdict(metadata)
if isinstance(audio, MP3):
metadata.title = _get_tag_value(tags, "TIT2")
metadata.artist = _get_tag_value(tags, "TPE1")
metadata.album = _get_tag_value(tags, "TALB")
metadata.year = _get_tag_value(tags, "TDRC")
metadata.genre = _get_tag_value(tags, "TCON")
if "APIC:" in tags:
metadata.picture = _save_picture(tags["APIC:"].data, save_root, file_path)
metadata.lyrics = _get_alltag_value(tags, "USLT")
elif isinstance(audio, FLAC):
metadata.title = _get_tag_value(tags, "TITLE")
metadata.artist = _get_tag_value(tags, "ARTIST")
metadata.album = _get_tag_value(tags, "ALBUM")
metadata.year = _get_tag_value(tags, "DATE")
metadata.genre = _get_tag_value(tags, "GENRE")
if audio.pictures:
metadata.picture = _save_picture(
audio.pictures[0].data, save_root, file_path
if "lyrics" in audio:
metadata.lyrics = audio["lyrics"][0]
elif isinstance(audio, MP4):
metadata.title = _get_tag_value(tags, "\xa9nam")
metadata.artist = _get_tag_value(tags, "\xa9ART")
metadata.album = _get_tag_value(tags, "\xa9alb")
metadata.year = _get_tag_value(tags, "\xa9day")
metadata.genre = _get_tag_value(tags, "\xa9gen")
if "covr" in tags:
metadata.picture = _save_picture(tags["covr"][0], save_root, file_path)
elif isinstance(audio, OggVorbis):
metadata.title = _get_tag_value(tags, "TITLE")
metadata.artist = _get_tag_value(tags, "ARTIST")
metadata.album = _get_tag_value(tags, "ALBUM")
metadata.year = _get_tag_value(tags, "DATE")
metadata.genre = _get_tag_value(tags, "GENRE")
if "metadata_block_picture" in tags:
picture = json.loads(base64.b64decode(tags["metadata_block_picture"][0]))
metadata.picture = _save_picture(
base64.b64decode(picture["data"]), save_root, file_path
elif isinstance(audio, ASF):
metadata.title = _get_tag_value(tags, "Title")
metadata.artist = _get_tag_value(tags, "Author")
metadata.album = _get_tag_value(tags, "WM/AlbumTitle")
metadata.year = _get_tag_value(tags, "WM/Year")
metadata.genre = _get_tag_value(tags, "WM/Genre")
if "WM/Picture" in tags:
metadata.picture = _save_picture(
tags["WM/Picture"][0].value, save_root, file_path
elif isinstance(audio, WavPack):
metadata.title = _get_tag_value(tags, "Title")
metadata.artist = _get_tag_value(tags, "Artist")
metadata.album = _get_tag_value(tags, "Album")
metadata.year = _get_tag_value(tags, "Year")
metadata.genre = _get_tag_value(tags, "Genre")
if audio.pictures:
metadata.picture = _save_picture(
audio.pictures[0].data, save_root, file_path
elif isinstance(audio, WAVE):
metadata.title = _get_tag_value(tags, "Title")
metadata.artist = _get_tag_value(tags, "Artist")
return asdict(metadata)
@ -41,9 +41,9 @@ from xiaomusic.utils import (
@ -399,7 +399,19 @@ class XiaoMusic:
return sec, url
def get_music_tags(self, name):
return self.all_music_tags.get(name, asdict(Metadata()))
tags = copy.copy(self.all_music_tags.get(name, asdict(Metadata())))
picture = tags["picture"]
if picture:
picture = picture.replace("\\", "/")
if picture.startswith(self.config.picture_cache_path):
picture = picture[len(self.config.picture_cache_path) :]
if picture.startswith("/"):
picture = picture[1:]
encoded_name = urllib.parse.quote(picture)
tags["picture"] = (
return tags
def get_music_url(self, name):
if self.is_web_music(name):
@ -454,6 +466,8 @@ class XiaoMusic:
self.log.info("刷新:tag cache 未启用")
# TODO: 优化性能?
# TODO 如何安全的清空 picture_cache_path
self.all_music_tags = {} # 需要清空内存残留
self.log.info("刷新:已启动重建 tag cache")
@ -512,11 +526,13 @@ class XiaoMusic:
# TODO: 网络歌曲获取歌曲额外信息
elif os.path.exists(file_or_url):
all_music_tags[name] = get_audio_metadata(file_or_url)
all_music_tags[name] = extract_audio_metadata(
file_or_url, self.config.picture_cache_path
self.log.info(f"{name}/{file_or_url} 无法更新 tag")
except BaseException as e:
self.log.info(f"{e} {file_or_url} error {type(file_or_url)}!")
self.log.exception(f"{e} {file_or_url} error {type(file_or_url)}!")
# 全部更新结束后,一次性赋值
self.all_music_tags = all_music_tags
# 刷新 tag cache
Reference in New Issue
Block a user