# How to write goc e2e test cases Current goc e2e test is based on the [bats-core](https://github.com/bats-core/bats-core) framework, you should read its document first. ## Local dev requirements * [bats-core](https://github.com/bats-core/bats-core) * install `goc` to `PATH` * build `goc` with `goc`, generate the binary `gocc`, install `gocc` to `PATH` ## Test goc First of all, you should start a `goc server` in `setup_file` function from the backend, ``` setup_file() { goc server 3>&- & GOC_PID=$! sleep 2 goc init } ``` According to [this](https://github.com/bats-core/bats-core/blob/master/README.md#file-descriptor-3-read-this-if-bats-hangs), you should turn off the file descriptor 3 for the long-running backend job. Then you can write any `goc` subcommand. Remember to kill the `$GOC_PID` in the `teardown_file` function. ## Test covered goc - gocc We also need to test with the covered gocc in order to get coverage reports. Most gocc test cases share the same structure, here is the common flow diagram: ``` (1) (2) (wait_profile_backend "xxx" &) --> wait ci-sync exist --> (goc profile -o filtered.cov)-- | | | | | (4) | --(gocc --debugcisyncfile ci-sync) --> finish, write ci-sync --> sleep 5; exit |(5) | | | | (3) (6) | | |------------------------>(goc server &) --------------------------------| | | | --------------------------------------------------------- ``` 1. start the `wait_profile_backend` in the background. 2. `wait_profile_backend` will block until the file `ci-sync.bak` exists. 3. the covered `gocc` subcommand start and register to the `goc server`. 4. the covered `gocc` subcommand run its own logic until finish, as we add the `--debugcisyncfile ci-sync` flag, it will write a file called `ci-sync`, and wait 5 seconds. 5. `wait_profile_backend` continue to run, and try to get the profile from the `goc server`. 6. the `goc server` finally call the http API to get the `gocc` profile.