Merge pull request #67 from tongjingran/66
cmd profile support get by name or address list
This commit is contained in:
@ -35,17 +35,25 @@ var profileCmd = &cobra.Command{
# Get coverage counter from default register center, the result output to stdout.
goc profile
# Get coverage counter from default register center, the result output to specified file.
goc profile -o ./coverage.cov
# Get coverage counter from specified register center, the result output to specified file.
goc profile --center= -o ./coverage.cov
# Get coverage counter from specified register center, the result output to specified file.
goc profile --center= --output=./coverage.cov
# Get coverage counter of several specified services. You can get all available service names from command 'goc list'. Use 'service' and 'address' flag at the same time is illegal.
goc profile --service=service1,service2,service3
# Get coverage counter of several specified addresses. You can get all available addresses from command 'goc list'. Use 'service' and 'address' flag at the same time is illegal.
goc profile --address=address1,address2,address3
# Force to get the coverage counter of all the available services you want.
goc profile --force
Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
res, err := cover.NewWorker(center).Profile()
p := cover.ProfileParam{
Force: force,
Service: svrList,
Address: addrList,
res, err := cover.NewWorker(center).Profile(p)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("call host %v failed, err: %v, response: %v", center, err, string(res))
@ -67,9 +75,15 @@ goc profile --center= --output=./coverage.cov
var output string
var force bool
var svrList []string
var addrList []string
func init() {
profileCmd.Flags().StringVarP(&output, "output", "o", "", "download cover profile")
profileCmd.Flags().StringSliceVarP(&svrList, "service", "", nil, "get the cover profile of these services, you can get all available service names from command `goc list`, use this flag and 'address' flag at the same time is illegal.")
profileCmd.Flags().StringSliceVarP(&addrList, "address", "", nil, "get the cover profile of these addresses, you can get all available addresses from command `goc list`, use this flag and 'service' flag at the same time is illegal.")
profileCmd.Flags().BoolVarP(&force, "force", "f", false, "force to get the coverage counter of all the available services you want")
@ -19,5 +19,6 @@ require (
|||| v0.0.0-20200301022130-244492dfa37a
|||| v0.0.0-20200107190931-bf48bf16ab8d
|||| v0.0.0-20200329025819-fd4102a86c65
|||| v1.13.0
|||| v0.0.0-20200511080351-8ac9dbfab055
@ -464,7 +464,6 @@ v1.2.1/go.mod h1:Ch1tH69qFZu15pkjo5kYi6mth2Zzwzt50oCQ
|||| v1.0.1/go.mod h1:T0+1ngSBFLxvqU3pZ+m/2kptfBszLMUkC4ZK/EgS/cQ=
|||| v1.0.2 h1:DB17ag19krx9CFsz4o3enTrPXyIXCl+2iCXH/aMAp9s=
|||| v1.0.2/go.mod h1:T0+1ngSBFLxvqU3pZ+m/2kptfBszLMUkC4ZK/EgS/cQ=
|||| v1.0.3 h1:CE8S1cTafDpPvMhIxNJKvHsGVBgn1xWYf1NbHQhywc8=
|||| v1.0.3/go.mod h1:T0+1ngSBFLxvqU3pZ+m/2kptfBszLMUkC4ZK/EgS/cQ=
|||| v0.0.0-20140226030751-b84e30acd515/go.mod h1:+0opPa2QZZtGFBFZlji/RkVcI2GknAs/DXo4wKdlNEc=
|||| v0.1.0/go.mod h1:dAy3ld7l9f0ibDNOQOHHMYYIIbhfbHSm3C4ZsoJORNo=
@ -24,12 +24,13 @@ import (
// Action provides methods to contact with the covered service under test
type Action interface {
Profile() ([]byte, error)
Profile(param ProfileParam) ([]byte, error)
Clear() ([]byte, error)
InitSystem() ([]byte, error)
ListServices() ([]byte, error)
@ -88,13 +89,22 @@ func (c *client) ListServices() ([]byte, error) {
return services, err
func (c *client) Profile() ([]byte, error) {
u := fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", c.Host, CoverProfileAPI)
func (c *client) Profile(param ProfileParam) ([]byte, error) {
u := fmt.Sprintf("%s%s?force=%s", c.Host, CoverProfileAPI, strconv.FormatBool(param.Force))
if len(param.Service) != 0 && len(param.Address) != 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("use 'service' and 'address' flag at the same time is illegal")
for _, svr := range param.Service {
u = u + "&service=" + svr
for _, addr := range param.Address {
u = u + "&address=" + addr
profile, err :="GET", u, nil)
if err != nil && isNetworkError(err) {
profile, err ="GET", u, nil)
return profile, err
@ -126,7 +136,6 @@ func (c *client) do(method, url string, body io.Reader) ([]byte, error) {
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return responseBody, nil
@ -22,17 +22,33 @@ import (
func TestClientAction(t *testing.T) {
// mock goc server
ts := httptest.NewServer(GocServer(os.Stdout))
defer ts.Close()
var client = NewWorker(ts.URL)
// mock profile server
profileMockResponse := "mode: count\nmockService/main.go:30.13,48.33 13 1"
profileSuccessMockSvr := httptest.NewServer(http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
defer profileSuccessMockSvr.Close()
profileErrMockSvr := httptest.NewServer(http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
defer profileErrMockSvr.Close()
// regsiter service into goc server
var src Service
src.Name = "goc"
src.Address = ""
src.Name = "serviceSuccess"
src.Address = profileSuccessMockSvr.URL
res, err := client.RegisterService(src)
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Contains(t, string(res), "success")
@ -43,6 +59,72 @@ func TestClientAction(t *testing.T) {
assert.Contains(t, string(res), src.Address)
assert.Contains(t, string(res), src.Name)
// get porfile from goc server
profileItems := []struct {
service Service
param ProfileParam
res string
service: Service{Name: "serviceOK", Address: profileSuccessMockSvr.URL},
param: ProfileParam{Force: false, Service: []string{"serviceOK"}, Address: []string{profileSuccessMockSvr.URL}},
res: "use 'service' and 'address' flag at the same time is illegal",
service: Service{Name: "serviceOK", Address: profileSuccessMockSvr.URL},
param: ProfileParam{},
res: profileMockResponse,
service: Service{Name: "serviceOK", Address: profileSuccessMockSvr.URL},
param: ProfileParam{Service: []string{"serviceOK"}},
res: profileMockResponse,
service: Service{Name: "serviceOK", Address: profileSuccessMockSvr.URL},
param: ProfileParam{Address: []string{profileSuccessMockSvr.URL}},
res: profileMockResponse,
service: Service{Name: "serviceOK", Address: profileSuccessMockSvr.URL},
param: ProfileParam{Service: []string{"unknown"}},
res: "service [unknown] not found",
service: Service{Name: "serviceErr", Address: profileErrMockSvr.URL},
res: "bad mode line: error",
service: Service{Name: "serviceErr", Address: profileErrMockSvr.URL},
param: ProfileParam{Force: true},
res: "no profiles",
service: Service{Name: "serviceNotExist", Address: ""},
res: "connection refused",
service: Service{Name: "serviceNotExist", Address: ""},
param: ProfileParam{Force: true},
res: "no profiles",
for _, item := range profileItems {
// init server
res, err := client.InitSystem()
assert.NoError(t, err)
// register server
res, err = client.RegisterService(item.service)
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Contains(t, string(res), "success")
res, err = client.Profile(item.param)
if err != nil {
assert.Equal(t, err.Error(), item.res)
} else {
assert.Contains(t, string(res), item.res)
// init system and check service again
res, err = client.InitSystem()
assert.NoError(t, err)
@ -54,6 +54,7 @@ import (
{{range $i, $pkgCover := .DepsCover}}
_cover{{$i}} {{$pkgCover.Package.ImportPath | printf "%q"}}
@ -212,7 +213,8 @@ func registerHandlers() {
func registerSelf(address string) ([]byte, error) {
req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", fmt.Sprintf("%s/v1/cover/register?name=%s&address=%s", {{.Center | printf "%q"}}, os.Args[0], address), nil)
selfName := filepath.Base(os.Args[0])
req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", fmt.Sprintf("%s/v1/cover/register?name=%s&address=%s", {{.Center | printf "%q"}}, selfName, address), nil)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("http.NewRequest failed: %v", err)
return nil, err
@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ import (
log ""
// DefaultStore implements the IPersistence interface
@ -82,6 +83,13 @@ type Service struct {
Address string `form:"address" json:"address" binding:"required"`
// ProfileParam is param of profile API (TODO)
type ProfileParam struct {
Force bool `form:"force"`
Service []string `form:"service" json:"service"`
Address []string `form:"address" json:"address"`
//listServices list all the registered services
func listServices(c *gin.Context) {
services := DefaultStore.GetAll()
@ -111,26 +119,49 @@ func registerService(c *gin.Context) {
log.Printf("the registed host %s of service %s is different with the real one %s, here we choose the real one", service.Name, host, realIP)
service.Address = fmt.Sprintf("http://%s:%s", realIP, port)
if err := DefaultStore.Add(service); err != nil {
c.JSON(http.StatusInternalServerError, gin.H{"error": err.Error()})
address := DefaultStore.Get(service.Name)
if !contains(address, service.Address) {
if err := DefaultStore.Add(service); err != nil {
c.JSON(http.StatusInternalServerError, gin.H{"error": err.Error()})
c.JSON(http.StatusOK, gin.H{"result": "success"})
func profile(c *gin.Context) {
svrsUnderTest := DefaultStore.GetAll()
var mergedProfiles = make([][]*cover.Profile, len(svrsUnderTest))
for _, addrs := range svrsUnderTest {
for _, addr := range addrs {
pp, err := NewWorker(addr).Profile()
force, err := strconv.ParseBool(c.Query("force"))
if err != nil {
c.JSON(http.StatusExpectationFailed, gin.H{"error": "invalid param"})
svrList := c.QueryArray("service")
addrList := c.QueryArray("address")
svrsAll := DefaultStore.GetAll()
svrsUnderTest, err := getSvrUnderTest(svrList, addrList, force, svrsAll)
if err != nil {
c.JSON(http.StatusExpectationFailed, gin.H{"error": err.Error()})
var mergedProfiles = make([][]*cover.Profile, 0)
for _, svrs := range svrsUnderTest {
for _, addr := range svrs {
pp, err := NewWorker(addr).Profile(ProfileParam{})
if err != nil {
if force {
c.JSON(http.StatusExpectationFailed, gin.H{"error": err.Error()})
profile, err := convertProfile(pp)
if err != nil {
if force {
c.JSON(http.StatusInternalServerError, gin.H{"error": err.Error()})
@ -194,3 +225,58 @@ func convertProfile(p []byte) ([]*cover.Profile, error) {
return cover.ParseProfiles(tf.Name())
func contains(arr []string, str string) bool {
for _, element := range arr {
if str == element {
return true
return false
// getSvrUnderTest get service map by service and address list
func getSvrUnderTest(svrList, addrList []string, force bool, svrsAll map[string][]string) (svrsUnderTest map[string][]string, err error) {
svrsUnderTest = map[string][]string{}
if len(svrList) != 0 && len(addrList) != 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("use this flag and 'address' flag at the same time is illegal")
// Return all servers when all param is nil
if len(svrList) == 0 && len(addrList) == 0 {
return svrsAll, nil
} else {
// Add matched services to map
if len(svrList) != 0 {
for _, name := range svrList {
if addr, ok := svrsAll[name]; ok {
svrsUnderTest[name] = addr
continue // jump to match the next service
if !force {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("service [%s] not found", name)
// Add matched addresses to map
if len(addrList) != 0 {
for _, addr := range addrList {
for svr, addrs := range svrsAll {
if contains(svrsUnderTest[svr], addr) {
continue I // The address is duplicate, jump over
for _, a := range addrs {
if a == addr {
svrsUnderTest[svr] = append(svrsUnderTest[svr], a)
continue I // jump to match the next address
if !force {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("address [%s] not found", addr)
return svrsUnderTest, nil
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
package cover
import (
func TestContains(t *testing.T) {
assert.Equal(t, contains([]string{"a", "b"}, "a"), true)
assert.Equal(t, contains([]string{"a", "b"}, "c"), false)
func TestGetSvrUnderTest(t *testing.T) {
svrAll := map[string][]string{
"service1": {"", ""},
"service2": {""},
items := []struct {
svrList []string
addrList []string
force bool
err string
svrRes map[string][]string
svrList: []string{"service1"},
addrList: []string{""},
err: "use this flag and 'address' flag at the same time is illegal",
svrRes: svrAll,
svrList: []string{"service1", "unknown"},
err: "service [unknown] not found",
svrList: []string{"service1", "service1", "service2", "unknown"},
force: true,
svrRes: svrAll,
addrList: []string{"", ""},
err: "address [] not found",
addrList: []string{"", "", "", ""},
force: true,
svrRes: map[string][]string{"service1": {""}, "service2": {""}},
for _, item := range items {
svrs, err := getSvrUnderTest(item.svrList, item.addrList, item.force, svrAll)
if err != nil {
assert.Equal(t, err.Error(), item.err)
} else {
assert.Equal(t, svrs, item.svrRes)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user