do cover another way



update injected http_cover_apis_auto_generated.go

fix legacy project

fix lint
This commit is contained in:
lyyyuna 2020-09-29 20:20:53 +08:00
parent e7c2010579
commit 9a024aa009
11 changed files with 1063 additions and 119 deletions

View File

@ -71,7 +71,22 @@ func runBuild(args []string, wd string) {
defer gocBuild.Clean()
// doCover with original buildFlags, with new GOPATH( tmp:original )
// in the tmp directory
cover.Execute(buildFlags, gocBuild.NewGOPATH, gocBuild.TmpDir, coverMode.String(), agentPort.String(), center)
ci := &cover.CoverInfo{
Args: buildFlags,
GoPath: gocBuild.NewGOPATH,
Target: gocBuild.TmpDir,
Mode: coverMode.String(),
AgentPort: agentPort.String(),
Center: center,
IsMod: gocBuild.IsMod,
ModRootPath: gocBuild.ModRootPath,
OneMainPackage: true, // it is a go build
GlobalCoverVarImportPath: gocBuild.GlobalCoverVarImportPath,
err = cover.Execute(ci)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Fail to build: %v", err)
// do install in the temporary directory
err = gocBuild.Build()
if err != nil {

View File

@ -40,7 +40,17 @@ goc cover --center= --target=/path/to/target --mode=atomic
Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
var buildFlags string
buildFlags = viper.GetString("buildflags")
cover.Execute(buildFlags, "", target, coverMode.String(), agentPort.String(), center)
ci := &cover.CoverInfo{
Args: buildFlags,
GoPath: "",
Target: target,
Mode: coverMode.String(),
AgentPort: agentPort.String(),
Center: center,
OneMainPackage: false,
_ = cover.Execute(ci)

View File

@ -64,7 +64,22 @@ func runInstall(args []string, wd string) {
defer gocBuild.Clean()
// doCover with original buildFlags, with new GOPATH( tmp:original )
// in the tmp directory
cover.Execute(buildFlags, gocBuild.NewGOPATH, gocBuild.TmpDir, coverMode.String(), agentPort.String(), center)
ci := &cover.CoverInfo{
Args: buildFlags,
GoPath: gocBuild.NewGOPATH,
Target: gocBuild.TmpDir,
Mode: coverMode.String(),
AgentPort: agentPort.String(),
Center: center,
IsMod: gocBuild.IsMod,
ModRootPath: gocBuild.ModRootPath,
OneMainPackage: false,
GlobalCoverVarImportPath: gocBuild.GlobalCoverVarImportPath,
err = cover.Execute(ci)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Fail to install: %v", err)
// do install in the temporary directory
err = gocBuild.Install()
if err != nil {

View File

@ -64,7 +64,22 @@ goc run . [--buildflags] [--exec] [--arguments]
fmt.Printf("[goc] goc server started: %s \n", gocServer)
// execute covers for the target source with original buildFlags and new GOPATH( tmp:original )
cover.Execute(buildFlags, gocBuild.NewGOPATH, gocBuild.TmpDir, coverMode.String(), "", gocServer)
ci := &cover.CoverInfo{
Args: buildFlags,
GoPath: gocBuild.NewGOPATH,
Target: gocBuild.TmpDir,
Mode: coverMode.String(),
Center: gocServer,
AgentPort: "",
IsMod: gocBuild.IsMod,
ModRootPath: gocBuild.ModRootPath,
OneMainPackage: true, // go run is similar with go build, build only one main package
GlobalCoverVarImportPath: gocBuild.GlobalCoverVarImportPath,
err = cover.Execute(ci)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Fail to run: %v", err)
if err := gocBuild.Run(); err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Fail to run: %v", err)

View File

@ -41,8 +41,9 @@ type Build struct {
// Project Root:
// 1. legacy, root == GOPATH
// 2. mod, root == go.mod Dir
ModRoot string // path for go.mod
Target string // the binary name that go build generate
ModRoot string // path for go.mod
ModRootPath string // import path for the whole project
Target string // the binary name that go build generate
// keep compatible with go commands:
// go run [build flags] [-exec xprog] package [arguments...]
// go build [-o output] [-i] [build flags] [packages]
@ -51,6 +52,10 @@ type Build struct {
Packages string // Packages that needs to build
GoRunExecFlag string // for the -exec flags in go run command
GoRunArguments string // for the '[arguments]' parameters in go run command
OneMainPackage bool // whether this build is a go build or go install? true: build, false: install
GlobalCoverVarImportPath string // Importpath for storing cover variables
GlobalCoverVarFilePath string // Importpath for storing cover variables
// NewBuild creates a Build struct which can build from goc temporary directory,

View File

@ -73,8 +73,9 @@ func (b *Build) mvProjectsToTmp() error {
// Delete previous tmp folder and its content
// Create a new tmp folder
err := os.MkdirAll(filepath.Join(b.TmpDir, "src"), os.ModePerm)
// Create a new tmp folder and a new importpath for storing cover variables
b.GlobalCoverVarImportPath = filepath.Join("src", tmpPackageName(b.WorkingDir))
err := os.MkdirAll(filepath.Join(b.TmpDir, b.GlobalCoverVarImportPath), os.ModePerm)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Fail to create the temporary build directory. The err is: %v", err)
@ -131,6 +132,15 @@ func tmpFolderName(path string) string {
return "goc-build-" + h
// tmpPackageName uses the first six characters of the input path's SHA256 checksum
// as the suffix.
func tmpPackageName(path string) string {
sum := sha256.Sum256([]byte(path))
h := fmt.Sprintf("%x", sum[:6])
return "gocbuild" + h
// traversePkgsList travse the Build.Pkgs list
// return Build.IsMod, tell if the project is a mod project
// return Build.Root:
@ -146,6 +156,7 @@ func (b *Build) traversePkgsList() (isMod bool, root string, err error) {
isMod = true
b.ModRoot = v.Module.Dir
b.ModRootPath = v.Module.Path

View File

@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ import (
@ -35,6 +36,7 @@ import (
log ""
@ -47,12 +49,13 @@ var (
// TestCover is a collection of all counters
type TestCover struct {
Mode string
AgentPort string
Center string // cover profile host center
MainPkgCover *PackageCover
DepsCover []*PackageCover
CacheCover map[string]*PackageCover
Mode string
AgentPort string
Center string // cover profile host center
MainPkgCover *PackageCover
DepsCover []*PackageCover
CacheCover map[string]*PackageCover
GlobalCoverVarImportPath string
// PackageCover holds all the generate coverage variables of a package
@ -124,8 +127,37 @@ type PackageError struct {
Err string // the error itself
//Execute execute go tool cover for all the .go files in the target folder
func Execute(args, newGopath, target, mode, agentPort, center string) error {
// CoverBuildInfo retreives some info from build
type CoverInfo struct {
Target string
GoPath string
IsMod bool
ModRootPath string
GlobalCoverVarImportPath string // path for the injected global cover var file
OneMainPackage bool
Args string
Mode string
AgentPort string
Center string
//Execute inject cover variables for all the .go files in the target folder
func Execute(coverInfo *CoverInfo) error {
target := coverInfo.Target
newGopath := coverInfo.GoPath
// oneMainPackage := coverInfo.OneMainPackage
args := coverInfo.Args
mode := coverInfo.Mode
agentPort := coverInfo.AgentPort
center := coverInfo.Center
globalCoverVarImportPath := coverInfo.GlobalCoverVarImportPath
if coverInfo.IsMod {
globalCoverVarImportPath = filepath.Join(coverInfo.ModRootPath, globalCoverVarImportPath)
} else {
globalCoverVarImportPath = filepath.Base(globalCoverVarImportPath)
if !isDirExist(target) {
log.Errorf("Target directory %s not exist", target)
return ErrCoverPkgFailed
@ -142,27 +174,30 @@ func Execute(args, newGopath, target, mode, agentPort, center string) error {
var seen = make(map[string]*PackageCover)
var seenCache = make(map[string]*PackageCover)
// var seenCache = make(map[string]*PackageCover)
allDecl := ""
for _, pkg := range pkgs {
if pkg.Name == "main" {
log.Printf("handle package: %v", pkg.ImportPath)
// inject the main package
mainCover, err := AddCounters(pkg, mode, newGopath)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("failed to add counters for pkg %s, err: %v", pkg.ImportPath, err)
return ErrCoverPkgFailed
mainCover, mainDecl, _ := addCounters2(pkg, mode, globalCoverVarImportPath)
allDecl += mainDecl
// if err != nil {
// log.Errorf("failed to add counters for pkg %s, err: %v", pkg.ImportPath, err)
// return ErrCoverPkgFailed
// }
// new a testcover for this service
tc := TestCover{
Mode: mode,
AgentPort: agentPort,
Center: center,
MainPkgCover: mainCover,
Mode: mode,
AgentPort: agentPort,
Center: center,
MainPkgCover: mainCover,
GlobalCoverVarImportPath: globalCoverVarImportPath,
// handle its dependency
var internalPkgCache = make(map[string][]*PackageCover)
// var internalPkgCache = make(map[string][]*PackageCover)
tc.CacheCover = make(map[string]*PackageCover)
for _, dep := range pkg.Deps {
if packageCover, ok := seen[dep]; ok {
@ -172,77 +207,13 @@ func Execute(args, newGopath, target, mode, agentPort, center string) error {
//only focus package neither standard Go library nor dependency library
if depPkg, ok := pkgs[dep]; ok {
if hasInternalPath(dep) {
//scan exist cache cover to tc.CacheCover
if cache, ok := seenCache[dep]; ok {
log.Infof("cache cover exist: %s", cache.Package.ImportPath)
tc.CacheCover[cache.Package.Dir] = cache
// add counter for internal package
inPkgCover, err := AddCounters(depPkg, mode, newGopath)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("failed to add counters for internal pkg %s, err: %v", depPkg.ImportPath, err)
return ErrCoverPkgFailed
parentDir := getInternalParent(depPkg.Dir)
parentImportPath := getInternalParent(depPkg.ImportPath)
//if internal parent dir or import is root path, ignore the dep. the dep is Go library nor dependency library
if parentDir == "" {
if parentImportPath == "" {
pkg := &Package{
ImportPath: parentImportPath,
Dir: parentDir,
// Some internal package have same parent dir or import path
// Cache all vars by internal parent dir for all child internal counter vars
cacheCover := addCacheCover(pkg, inPkgCover)
if v, ok := tc.CacheCover[cacheCover.Package.Dir]; ok {
for cVar, val := range v.Vars {
cacheCover.Vars[cVar] = val
tc.CacheCover[cacheCover.Package.Dir] = cacheCover
} else {
tc.CacheCover[cacheCover.Package.Dir] = cacheCover
// Cache all internal vars to internal parent package
inCover := cacheInternalCover(inPkgCover)
if v, ok := internalPkgCache[cacheCover.Package.Dir]; ok {
v = append(v, inCover)
internalPkgCache[cacheCover.Package.Dir] = v
} else {
var covers []*PackageCover
covers = append(covers, inCover)
internalPkgCache[cacheCover.Package.Dir] = covers
seenCache[dep] = cacheCover
packageCover, err := AddCounters(depPkg, mode, newGopath)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("failed to add counters for pkg %s, err: %v", depPkg.ImportPath, err)
return err
packageCover, depDecl, _ := addCounters2(depPkg, mode, globalCoverVarImportPath)
allDecl += depDecl
tc.DepsCover = append(tc.DepsCover, packageCover)
seen[dep] = packageCover
if errs := InjectCacheCounters(internalPkgCache, tc.CacheCover); len(errs) > 0 {
log.Errorf("failed to inject cache counters for package: %s, err: %v", pkg.ImportPath, errs)
return ErrCoverPkgFailed
// inject Http Cover APIs
var httpCoverApis = fmt.Sprintf("%s/http_cover_apis_auto_generated.go", pkg.Dir)
if err := InjectCountersHandlers(tc, httpCoverApis); err != nil {
@ -252,7 +223,7 @@ func Execute(args, newGopath, target, mode, agentPort, center string) error {
return nil
return injectGlobalCoverVarFile(coverInfo, allDecl)
// ListPackages list all packages under specific via go list command
@ -315,6 +286,24 @@ func AddCounters(pkg *Package, mode, newgopath string) (*PackageCover, error) {
}, nil
// addCounters2 is different from official go tool cover
// 1. only inject covervar++ into source file
// 2. no declarartions for these covervars
// 3. return the declarations as string
func addCounters2(pkg *Package, mode string, globalCoverVarImportPath string) (*PackageCover, string, error) {
coverVarMap := declareCoverVars(pkg)
decl := ""
for file, coverVar := range coverVarMap {
decl += "\n" + cover2tool.Annotate(path.Join(pkg.Dir, file), mode, coverVar.Var, globalCoverVarImportPath) + "\n"
return &PackageCover{
Package: pkg,
Vars: coverVarMap,
}, decl, nil
func isDirExist(path string) bool {
s, err := os.Stat(path)
if err != nil {

View File

@ -0,0 +1,775 @@
// Copyright 2013 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package cover2tool
import (
// "flag"
log "" // QINIU
// "cmd/internal/edit"
// "cmd/internal/objabi"
// const usageMessage = "" +
// `Usage of 'go tool cover':
// Given a coverage profile produced by 'go test':
// go test -coverprofile=c.out
// Open a web browser displaying annotated source code:
// go tool cover -html=c.out
// Write out an HTML file instead of launching a web browser:
// go tool cover -html=c.out -o coverage.html
// Display coverage percentages to stdout for each function:
// go tool cover -func=c.out
// Finally, to generate modified source code with coverage annotations
// (what go test -cover does):
// go tool cover -mode=set -var=CoverageVariableName program.go
// `
// func usage() {
// fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, usageMessage)
// fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "Flags:")
// flag.PrintDefaults()
// fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "\n Only one of -html, -func, or -mode may be set.")
// os.Exit(2)
// }
// var (
// mode = flag.String("mode", "", "coverage mode: set, count, atomic")
// varVar = flag.String("var", "GoCover", "name of coverage variable to generate")
// output = flag.String("o", "", "file for output; default: stdout")
// htmlOut = flag.String("html", "", "generate HTML representation of coverage profile")
// funcOut = flag.String("func", "", "output coverage profile information for each function")
// )
// var profile string // The profile to read; the value of -html or -func
var counterStmt func(*File, string) string
const (
atomicPackagePath = "sync/atomic"
atomicPackageName = "_cover_atomic_"
// func main() {
// objabi.AddVersionFlag()
// flag.Usage = usage
// flag.Parse()
// // Usage information when no arguments.
// if flag.NFlag() == 0 && flag.NArg() == 0 {
// flag.Usage()
// }
// err := parseFlags()
// if err != nil {
// fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, err)
// fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, `For usage information, run "go tool cover -help"`)
// os.Exit(2)
// }
// // Generate coverage-annotated source.
// if *mode != "" {
// annotate(flag.Arg(0))
// return
// }
// // Output HTML or function coverage information.
// if *htmlOut != "" {
// err = htmlOutput(profile, *output)
// } else {
// err = funcOutput(profile, *output)
// }
// if err != nil {
// fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "cover: %v\n", err)
// os.Exit(2)
// }
// }
// parseFlags sets the profile and counterStmt globals and performs validations.
// func parseFlags() error {
// profile = *htmlOut
// if *funcOut != "" {
// if profile != "" {
// return fmt.Errorf("too many options")
// }
// profile = *funcOut
// }
// // Must either display a profile or rewrite Go source.
// if (profile == "") == (*mode == "") {
// return fmt.Errorf("too many options")
// }
// if *varVar != "" && !token.IsIdentifier(*varVar) {
// return fmt.Errorf("-var: %q is not a valid identifier", *varVar)
// }
// if *mode != "" {
// switch *mode {
// case "set":
// counterStmt = setCounterStmt
// case "count":
// counterStmt = incCounterStmt
// case "atomic":
// counterStmt = atomicCounterStmt
// default:
// return fmt.Errorf("unknown -mode %v", *mode)
// }
// if flag.NArg() == 0 {
// return fmt.Errorf("missing source file")
// } else if flag.NArg() == 1 {
// return nil
// }
// } else if flag.NArg() == 0 {
// return nil
// }
// return fmt.Errorf("too many arguments")
// }
// Block represents the information about a basic block to be recorded in the analysis.
// Note: Our definition of basic block is based on control structures; we don't break
// apart && and ||. We could but it doesn't seem important enough to bother.
type Block struct {
startByte token.Pos
endByte token.Pos
numStmt int
// File is a wrapper for the state of a file used in the parser.
// The basic parse tree walker is a method of this type.
type File struct {
fset *token.FileSet
name string // Name of file.
astFile *ast.File
blocks []Block
content []byte
edit *Buffer // QINIU
varVar string // QINIU
mode string // QINIU
// findText finds text in the original source, starting at pos.
// It correctly skips over comments and assumes it need not
// handle quoted strings.
// It returns a byte offset within f.src.
func (f *File) findText(pos token.Pos, text string) int {
b := []byte(text)
start := f.offset(pos)
i := start
s := f.content
for i < len(s) {
if bytes.HasPrefix(s[i:], b) {
return i
if i+2 <= len(s) && s[i] == '/' && s[i+1] == '/' {
for i < len(s) && s[i] != '\n' {
if i+2 <= len(s) && s[i] == '/' && s[i+1] == '*' {
for i += 2; ; i++ {
if i+2 > len(s) {
return 0
if s[i] == '*' && s[i+1] == '/' {
i += 2
return -1
// Visit implements the ast.Visitor interface.
func (f *File) Visit(node ast.Node) ast.Visitor {
switch n := node.(type) {
case *ast.BlockStmt:
// If it's a switch or select, the body is a list of case clauses; don't tag the block itself.
if len(n.List) > 0 {
switch n.List[0].(type) {
case *ast.CaseClause: // switch
for _, n := range n.List {
clause := n.(*ast.CaseClause)
f.addCounters(clause.Colon+1, clause.Colon+1, clause.End(), clause.Body, false)
return f
case *ast.CommClause: // select
for _, n := range n.List {
clause := n.(*ast.CommClause)
f.addCounters(clause.Colon+1, clause.Colon+1, clause.End(), clause.Body, false)
return f
f.addCounters(n.Lbrace, n.Lbrace+1, n.Rbrace+1, n.List, true) // +1 to step past closing brace.
case *ast.IfStmt:
if n.Init != nil {
ast.Walk(f, n.Init)
ast.Walk(f, n.Cond)
ast.Walk(f, n.Body)
if n.Else == nil {
return nil
// The elses are special, because if we have
// if x {
// } else if y {
// }
// we want to cover the "if y". To do this, we need a place to drop the counter,
// so we add a hidden block:
// if x {
// } else {
// if y {
// }
// }
elseOffset := f.findText(n.Body.End(), "else")
if elseOffset < 0 {
panic("lost else")
f.edit.Insert(elseOffset+4, "{")
f.edit.Insert(f.offset(n.Else.End()), "}")
// We just created a block, now walk it.
// Adjust the position of the new block to start after
// the "else". That will cause it to follow the "{"
// we inserted above.
pos := f.fset.File(n.Body.End()).Pos(elseOffset + 4)
switch stmt := n.Else.(type) {
case *ast.IfStmt:
block := &ast.BlockStmt{
Lbrace: pos,
List: []ast.Stmt{stmt},
Rbrace: stmt.End(),
n.Else = block
case *ast.BlockStmt:
stmt.Lbrace = pos
panic("unexpected node type in if")
ast.Walk(f, n.Else)
return nil
case *ast.SelectStmt:
// Don't annotate an empty select - creates a syntax error.
if n.Body == nil || len(n.Body.List) == 0 {
return nil
case *ast.SwitchStmt:
// Don't annotate an empty switch - creates a syntax error.
if n.Body == nil || len(n.Body.List) == 0 {
if n.Init != nil {
ast.Walk(f, n.Init)
if n.Tag != nil {
ast.Walk(f, n.Tag)
return nil
case *ast.TypeSwitchStmt:
// Don't annotate an empty type switch - creates a syntax error.
if n.Body == nil || len(n.Body.List) == 0 {
if n.Init != nil {
ast.Walk(f, n.Init)
ast.Walk(f, n.Assign)
return nil
return f
// Annotate do following
// 1. add cover variables into the original file
// 2. return the cover variables declarations as plain string
// original dec: func annotate(name string) {
func Annotate(name string, mode string, varVar string, globalCoverVarImportPath string) string {
switch mode {
case "set":
counterStmt = setCounterStmt
case "count":
counterStmt = incCounterStmt
case "atomic":
counterStmt = atomicCounterStmt
counterStmt = incCounterStmt
fset := token.NewFileSet()
content, err := ioutil.ReadFile(name)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("cover: %s: %s", name, err)
parsedFile, err := parser.ParseFile(fset, name, content, parser.ParseComments)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("cover: %s: %s", name, err)
file := &File{
fset: fset,
name: name,
content: content,
edit: NewBuffer(content), // QINIU
astFile: parsedFile,
varVar: varVar,
mode: mode,
ast.Walk(file, file.astFile)
newContent := file.edit.Bytes()
if bytes.Equal(content, newContent) {
log.Info("no cover var injected for: ", name)
} else {
// reback to the beginning
file.astFile, _ = parser.ParseFile(fset, name, content, parser.ParseComments)
file.edit = NewBuffer(newContent)
// add global cover variables import path
fmt.Sprintf("; import %s %q", ".", globalCoverVarImportPath))
if mode == "atomic" {
// Add import of sync/atomic immediately after package clause.
// We do this even if there is an existing import, because the
// existing import may be shadowed at any given place we want
// to refer to it, and our name (_cover_atomic_) is less likely to
// be shadowed.
fmt.Sprintf("; import %s %q", atomicPackageName, atomicPackagePath))
newContent = file.edit.Bytes()
// fd := os.Stdout
// if *output != "" {
// var err error
// fd, err = os.Create(*output)
// if err != nil {
// log.Fatalf("cover: %s", err)
// }
// }
fd, err := os.Create(name)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("cover: %s", err)
defer fd.Close()
fmt.Fprintf(fd, "//line %s:1\n", name)
_, err = fd.Write(newContent)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("cover: %s", err)
// After printing the source tree, add some declarations for the counters etc.
// We could do this by adding to the tree, but it's easier just to print the text.
// declarations only print to string
// we will write all declarations into a single file
declBuf := bytes.NewBufferString("")
return declBuf.String()
// setCounterStmt returns the expression: __count[23] = 1.
func setCounterStmt(f *File, counter string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s = 1", counter)
// incCounterStmt returns the expression: __count[23]++.
func incCounterStmt(f *File, counter string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s++", counter)
// atomicCounterStmt returns the expression: atomic.AddUint32(&__count[23], 1)
func atomicCounterStmt(f *File, counter string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s.AddUint32(&%s, 1)", atomicPackageName, counter)
// newCounter creates a new counter expression of the appropriate form.
func (f *File) newCounter(start, end token.Pos, numStmt int) string {
stmt := counterStmt(f, fmt.Sprintf("%s.Count[%d]", f.varVar, len(f.blocks)))
f.blocks = append(f.blocks, Block{start, end, numStmt})
return stmt
// addCounters takes a list of statements and adds counters to the beginning of
// each basic block at the top level of that list. For instance, given
// S1
// if cond {
// S2
// }
// S3
// counters will be added before S1 and before S3. The block containing S2
// will be visited in a separate call.
// TODO: Nested simple blocks get unnecessary (but correct) counters
func (f *File) addCounters(pos, insertPos, blockEnd token.Pos, list []ast.Stmt, extendToClosingBrace bool) {
// Special case: make sure we add a counter to an empty block. Can't do this below
// or we will add a counter to an empty statement list after, say, a return statement.
if len(list) == 0 {
f.edit.Insert(f.offset(insertPos), f.newCounter(insertPos, blockEnd, 0)+";")
// Make a copy of the list, as we may mutate it and should leave the
// existing list intact.
list = append([]ast.Stmt(nil), list...)
// We have a block (statement list), but it may have several basic blocks due to the
// appearance of statements that affect the flow of control.
for {
// Find first statement that affects flow of control (break, continue, if, etc.).
// It will be the last statement of this basic block.
var last int
end := blockEnd
for last = 0; last < len(list); last++ {
stmt := list[last]
end = f.statementBoundary(stmt)
if f.endsBasicSourceBlock(stmt) {
// If it is a labeled statement, we need to place a counter between
// the label and its statement because it may be the target of a goto
// and thus start a basic block. That is, given
// foo: stmt
// we need to create
// foo: ; stmt
// and mark the label as a block-terminating statement.
// The result will then be
// foo: COUNTER[n]++; stmt
// However, we can't do this if the labeled statement is already
// a control statement, such as a labeled for.
if label, isLabel := stmt.(*ast.LabeledStmt); isLabel && !f.isControl(label.Stmt) {
newLabel := *label
newLabel.Stmt = &ast.EmptyStmt{
Semicolon: label.Stmt.Pos(),
Implicit: true,
end = label.Pos() // Previous block ends before the label.
list[last] = &newLabel
// Open a gap and drop in the old statement, now without a label.
list = append(list, nil)
copy(list[last+1:], list[last:])
list[last+1] = label.Stmt
extendToClosingBrace = false // Block is broken up now.
if extendToClosingBrace {
end = blockEnd
if pos != end { // Can have no source to cover if e.g. blocks abut.
f.edit.Insert(f.offset(insertPos), f.newCounter(pos, end, last)+";")
list = list[last:]
if len(list) == 0 {
pos = list[0].Pos()
insertPos = pos
// hasFuncLiteral reports the existence and position of the first func literal
// in the node, if any. If a func literal appears, it usually marks the termination
// of a basic block because the function body is itself a block.
// Therefore we draw a line at the start of the body of the first function literal we find.
// TODO: what if there's more than one? Probably doesn't matter much.
func hasFuncLiteral(n ast.Node) (bool, token.Pos) {
if n == nil {
return false, 0
var literal funcLitFinder
ast.Walk(&literal, n)
return literal.found(), token.Pos(literal)
// statementBoundary finds the location in s that terminates the current basic
// block in the source.
func (f *File) statementBoundary(s ast.Stmt) token.Pos {
// Control flow statements are easy.
switch s := s.(type) {
case *ast.BlockStmt:
// Treat blocks like basic blocks to avoid overlapping counters.
return s.Lbrace
case *ast.IfStmt:
found, pos := hasFuncLiteral(s.Init)
if found {
return pos
found, pos = hasFuncLiteral(s.Cond)
if found {
return pos
return s.Body.Lbrace
case *ast.ForStmt:
found, pos := hasFuncLiteral(s.Init)
if found {
return pos
found, pos = hasFuncLiteral(s.Cond)
if found {
return pos
found, pos = hasFuncLiteral(s.Post)
if found {
return pos
return s.Body.Lbrace
case *ast.LabeledStmt:
return f.statementBoundary(s.Stmt)
case *ast.RangeStmt:
found, pos := hasFuncLiteral(s.X)
if found {
return pos
return s.Body.Lbrace
case *ast.SwitchStmt:
found, pos := hasFuncLiteral(s.Init)
if found {
return pos
found, pos = hasFuncLiteral(s.Tag)
if found {
return pos
return s.Body.Lbrace
case *ast.SelectStmt:
return s.Body.Lbrace
case *ast.TypeSwitchStmt:
found, pos := hasFuncLiteral(s.Init)
if found {
return pos
return s.Body.Lbrace
// If not a control flow statement, it is a declaration, expression, call, etc. and it may have a function literal.
// If it does, that's tricky because we want to exclude the body of the function from this block.
// Draw a line at the start of the body of the first function literal we find.
// TODO: what if there's more than one? Probably doesn't matter much.
found, pos := hasFuncLiteral(s)
if found {
return pos
return s.End()
// endsBasicSourceBlock reports whether s changes the flow of control: break, if, etc.,
// or if it's just problematic, for instance contains a function literal, which will complicate
// accounting due to the block-within-an expression.
func (f *File) endsBasicSourceBlock(s ast.Stmt) bool {
switch s := s.(type) {
case *ast.BlockStmt:
// Treat blocks like basic blocks to avoid overlapping counters.
return true
case *ast.BranchStmt:
return true
case *ast.ForStmt:
return true
case *ast.IfStmt:
return true
case *ast.LabeledStmt:
return true // A goto may branch here, starting a new basic block.
case *ast.RangeStmt:
return true
case *ast.SwitchStmt:
return true
case *ast.SelectStmt:
return true
case *ast.TypeSwitchStmt:
return true
case *ast.ExprStmt:
// Calls to panic change the flow.
// We really should verify that "panic" is the predefined function,
// but without type checking we can't and the likelihood of it being
// an actual problem is vanishingly small.
if call, ok := s.X.(*ast.CallExpr); ok {
if ident, ok := call.Fun.(*ast.Ident); ok && ident.Name == "panic" && len(call.Args) == 1 {
return true
found, _ := hasFuncLiteral(s)
return found
// isControl reports whether s is a control statement that, if labeled, cannot be
// separated from its label.
func (f *File) isControl(s ast.Stmt) bool {
switch s.(type) {
case *ast.ForStmt, *ast.RangeStmt, *ast.SwitchStmt, *ast.SelectStmt, *ast.TypeSwitchStmt:
return true
return false
// funcLitFinder implements the ast.Visitor pattern to find the location of any
// function literal in a subtree.
type funcLitFinder token.Pos
func (f *funcLitFinder) Visit(node ast.Node) (w ast.Visitor) {
if f.found() {
return nil // Prune search.
switch n := node.(type) {
case *ast.FuncLit:
*f = funcLitFinder(n.Body.Lbrace)
return nil // Prune search.
return f
func (f *funcLitFinder) found() bool {
return token.Pos(*f) != token.NoPos
// Sort interface for []block1; used for self-check in addVariables.
type block1 struct {
index int
type blockSlice []block1
func (b blockSlice) Len() int { return len(b) }
func (b blockSlice) Less(i, j int) bool { return b[i].startByte < b[j].startByte }
func (b blockSlice) Swap(i, j int) { b[i], b[j] = b[j], b[i] }
// offset translates a token position into a 0-indexed byte offset.
func (f *File) offset(pos token.Pos) int {
return f.fset.Position(pos).Offset
// addVariables adds to the end of the file the declarations to set up the counter and position variables.
func (f *File) addVariables(w io.Writer) {
// Self-check: Verify that the instrumented basic blocks are disjoint.
t := make([]block1, len(f.blocks))
for i := range f.blocks {
t[i].Block = f.blocks[i]
t[i].index = i
for i := 1; i < len(t); i++ {
if t[i-1].endByte > t[i].startByte {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "cover: internal error: block %d overlaps block %d\n", t[i-1].index, t[i].index)
// Note: error message is in byte positions, not token positions.
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "\t%s:#%d,#%d %s:#%d,#%d\n",, f.offset(t[i-1].startByte), f.offset(t[i-1].endByte),, f.offset(t[i].startByte), f.offset(t[i].endByte))
// Declare the coverage struct as a package-level variable.
fmt.Fprintf(w, "\nvar %s = struct {\n", f.varVar) // QINIU
fmt.Fprintf(w, "\tCount [%d]uint32\n", len(f.blocks))
fmt.Fprintf(w, "\tPos [3 * %d]uint32\n", len(f.blocks))
fmt.Fprintf(w, "\tNumStmt [%d]uint16\n", len(f.blocks))
fmt.Fprintf(w, "} {\n")
// Initialize the position array field.
fmt.Fprintf(w, "\tPos: [3 * %d]uint32{\n", len(f.blocks))
// A nice long list of positions. Each position is encoded as follows to reduce size:
// - 32-bit starting line number
// - 32-bit ending line number
// - (16 bit ending column number << 16) | (16-bit starting column number).
for i, block := range f.blocks {
start := f.fset.Position(block.startByte)
end := f.fset.Position(block.endByte)
start, end = dedup(start, end)
fmt.Fprintf(w, "\t\t%d, %d, %#x, // [%d]\n", start.Line, end.Line, (end.Column&0xFFFF)<<16|(start.Column&0xFFFF), i)
// Close the position array.
fmt.Fprintf(w, "\t},\n")
// Initialize the position array field.
fmt.Fprintf(w, "\tNumStmt: [%d]uint16{\n", len(f.blocks))
// A nice long list of statements-per-block, so we can give a conventional
// valuation of "percent covered". To save space, it's a 16-bit number, so we
// clamp it if it overflows - won't matter in practice.
for i, block := range f.blocks {
n := block.numStmt
if n > 1<<16-1 {
n = 1<<16 - 1
fmt.Fprintf(w, "\t\t%d, // %d\n", n, i)
// Close the statements-per-block array.
fmt.Fprintf(w, "\t},\n")
// Close the struct initialization.
fmt.Fprintf(w, "}\n")
// Emit a reference to the atomic package to avoid
// import and not used error when there's no code in a file.
// if f.mode == "atomic" { // QINIU, no need to import
// fmt.Fprintf(w, "var _ = %s.LoadUint32\n", atomicPackageName)
// }
// It is possible for positions to repeat when there is a line
// directive that does not specify column information and the input
// has not been passed through gofmt.
// See issues #27530 and #30746.
// Tests are TestHtmlUnformatted and TestLineDup.
// We use a map to avoid duplicates.
// pos2 is a pair of token.Position values, used as a map key type.
type pos2 struct {
p1, p2 token.Position
// seenPos2 tracks whether we have seen a token.Position pair.
var seenPos2 = make(map[pos2]bool)
// dedup takes a token.Position pair and returns a pair that does not
// duplicate any existing pair. The returned pair will have the Offset
// fields cleared.
func dedup(p1, p2 token.Position) (r1, r2 token.Position) {
key := pos2{
p1: p1,
p2: p2,
// We want to ignore the Offset fields in the map,
// since cover uses only file/line/column.
key.p1.Offset = 0
key.p2.Offset = 0
for seenPos2[key] {
seenPos2[key] = true
return key.p1, key.p2

View File

@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
// Copyright 2017 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Package edit implements buffered position-based editing of byte slices.
package cover2tool
import (
// A Buffer is a queue of edits to apply to a given byte slice.
type Buffer struct {
old []byte
q edits
// An edit records a single text modification: change the bytes in [start,end) to new.
type edit struct {
start int
end int
new string
// An edits is a list of edits that is sortable by start offset, breaking ties by end offset.
type edits []edit
func (x edits) Len() int { return len(x) }
func (x edits) Swap(i, j int) { x[i], x[j] = x[j], x[i] }
func (x edits) Less(i, j int) bool {
if x[i].start != x[j].start {
return x[i].start < x[j].start
return x[i].end < x[j].end
// NewBuffer returns a new buffer to accumulate changes to an initial data slice.
// The returned buffer maintains a reference to the data, so the caller must ensure
// the data is not modified until after the Buffer is done being used.
func NewBuffer(data []byte) *Buffer {
return &Buffer{old: data}
func (b *Buffer) Insert(pos int, new string) {
if pos < 0 || pos > len(b.old) {
panic("invalid edit position")
b.q = append(b.q, edit{pos, pos, new})
func (b *Buffer) Delete(start, end int) {
if end < start || start < 0 || end > len(b.old) {
panic("invalid edit position")
b.q = append(b.q, edit{start, end, ""})
func (b *Buffer) Replace(start, end int, new string) {
if end < start || start < 0 || end > len(b.old) {
panic("invalid edit position")
b.q = append(b.q, edit{start, end, new})
// Bytes returns a new byte slice containing the original data
// with the queued edits applied.
func (b *Buffer) Bytes() []byte {
// Sort edits by starting position and then by ending position.
// Breaking ties by ending position allows insertions at point x
// to be applied before a replacement of the text at [x, y).
var new []byte
offset := 0
for i, e := range b.q {
if e.start < offset {
e0 := b.q[i-1]
panic(fmt.Sprintf("overlapping edits: [%d,%d)->%q, [%d,%d)->%q", e0.start, e0.end,, e.start, e.end,
new = append(new, b.old[offset:e.start]...)
offset = e.end
new = append(new,
new = append(new, b.old[offset:]...)
return new
// String returns a string containing the original data
// with the queued edits applied.
func (b *Buffer) String() string {
return string(b.Bytes())

View File

@ -323,7 +323,16 @@ func TestExecuteForSimpleModProject(t *testing.T) {
testDir := filepath.Join(os.TempDir(), "goc-build-test")
copy.Copy(workingDir, testDir)
Execute("", gopath, testDir, "count", "", "")
bi := &CoverInfo{
Args: "",
GoPath: gopath,
Target: testDir,
Mode: "count",
AgentPort: "",
Center: "",
OneMainPackage: false,
_ = Execute(bi)
_, err := os.Lstat(filepath.Join(testDir, "http_cover_apis_auto_generated.go"))
if !assert.Equal(t, err, nil) {
@ -362,7 +371,16 @@ func TestCoverResultForInternalPackage(t *testing.T) {
testDir := filepath.Join(os.TempDir(), "goc-build-test")
copy.Copy(workingDir, testDir)
Execute("", gopath, testDir, "count", "", "")
bi := &CoverInfo{
Target: testDir,
GoPath: gopath,
Args: "",
Mode: "count",
Center: "",
OneMainPackage: false,
AgentPort: "",
_ = Execute(bi)
_, err := os.Lstat(filepath.Join(testDir, "http_cover_apis_auto_generated.go"))
if !assert.Equal(t, err, nil) {

View File

@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ import (
@ -56,13 +57,7 @@ import (
{{range $i, $pkgCover := .DepsCover}}
_cover{{$i}} {{$pkgCover.Package.ImportPath | printf "%q"}}
{{range $k, $pkgCover := .CacheCover}}
{{$pkgCover.Package.ImportPath | printf "%q"}}
_cover {{.GlobalCoverVarImportPath | printf "%q"}}
@ -78,18 +73,12 @@ func loadValues() (map[string][]uint32, map[string][]testing.CoverBlock) {
{{range $i, $pkgCover := .DepsCover}}
{{range $file, $cover := $pkgCover.Vars}}
loadFileCover(coverCounters, coverBlocks, {{printf "%q" $cover.File}}, _cover{{$i}}.{{$cover.Var}}.Count[:], _cover{{$i}}.{{$cover.Var}}.Pos[:], _cover{{$i}}.{{$cover.Var}}.NumStmt[:])
loadFileCover(coverCounters, coverBlocks, {{printf "%q" $cover.File}}, _cover.{{$cover.Var}}.Count[:], _cover.{{$cover.Var}}.Pos[:], _cover.{{$cover.Var}}.NumStmt[:])
{{range $file, $cover := .MainPkgCover.Vars}}
loadFileCover(coverCounters, coverBlocks, {{printf "%q" $cover.File}}, {{$cover.Var}}.Count[:], {{$cover.Var}}.Pos[:], {{$cover.Var}}.NumStmt[:])
{{range $k, $pkgCover := .CacheCover}}
{{range $v, $cover := $pkgCover.Vars}}
loadFileCover(coverCounters, coverBlocks, {{printf "%q" $cover.File}}, {{$pkgCover.Package.Name}}.{{$v}}.Count[:], {{$pkgCover.Package.Name}}.{{$v}}.Pos[:], {{$pkgCover.Package.Name}}.{{$v}}.NumStmt[:])
loadFileCover(coverCounters, coverBlocks, {{printf "%q" $cover.File}}, _cover.{{$cover.Var}}.Count[:], _cover.{{$cover.Var}}.Pos[:], _cover.{{$cover.Var}}.NumStmt[:])
return coverCounters, coverBlocks
@ -121,18 +110,12 @@ func clearValues() {
{{range $i, $pkgCover := .DepsCover}}
{{range $file, $cover := $pkgCover.Vars}}
{{range $file, $cover := .MainPkgCover.Vars}}
{{range $k, $pkgCover := .CacheCover}}
{{range $v, $cover := $pkgCover.Vars}}
@ -409,3 +392,18 @@ func checkCacheDir(p string) error {
return nil
func injectGlobalCoverVarFile(ci *CoverInfo, content string) error {
coverFile, err := os.Create(filepath.Join(ci.Target, ci.GlobalCoverVarImportPath, "cover.go"))
if err != nil {
return err
defer coverFile.Close()
packageName := "package " + filepath.Base(ci.GlobalCoverVarImportPath) + "\n\n"
_, _ = coverFile.WriteString(packageName)
_, err = coverFile.WriteString(content)
return err