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2020-05-22 02:33:03 +00:00
Copyright 2020 Qiniu Cloud (qiniu.com)
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
package prow
import (
2020-07-24 09:27:03 +00:00
2020-07-24 11:24:07 +00:00
2020-07-24 09:27:03 +00:00
2020-07-24 09:27:03 +00:00
2020-07-24 09:27:03 +00:00
var (
defaultContent = `mode: atomic
qiniu.com/kodo/bd/bdgetter/source.go:19.118,22.2 2 0
qiniu.com/kodo/bd/bdgetter/source.go:37.34,39.2 1 0
qiniu.com/kodo/bd/pfd/locker/app/qboxbdlocker/main.go:50.2,53.52 4 1
qiniu.com/kodo/bd/pfd/locker/bdlocker/locker.go:33.51,35.2 1 0`
2020-07-24 11:24:07 +00:00
defaultLocalPath = "local.cov"
defaultChangedPath = "changed.cov"
func TestTrimGhFileToProfile(t *testing.T) {
items := []struct {
inputFiles []string
expectFiles []string
inputFiles: []string{"src/qiniu.com/kodo/io/io/io_svr.go", "README.md"},
expectFiles: []string{"qiniu.com/kodo/io/io/io_svr.go", "README.md"},
for _, tc := range items {
f := trimGhFileToProfile(tc.inputFiles)
assert.Equal(t, f, tc.expectFiles)
func setup(path, content string) {
err := ioutil.WriteFile(path, []byte(content), 0644)
if err != nil {
logrus.WithError(err).Fatalf("write file %s failed", path)
func TestWriteChangedCov(t *testing.T) {
2020-07-24 09:27:03 +00:00
path := defaultLocalPath
savePath := qiniu.ChangedProfileName
2020-07-24 09:27:03 +00:00
content := defaultContent
changedFiles := []string{"qiniu.com/kodo/bd/pfd/locker/bdlocker/locker.go"}
expectContent := `mode: atomic
qiniu.com/kodo/bd/pfd/locker/bdlocker/locker.go:33.51,35.2 1 0
setup(path, content)
defer os.Remove(path)
defer os.Remove(savePath)
j := &Job{
LocalProfilePath: path,
2020-07-24 11:24:07 +00:00
LocalArtifacts: &qiniu.ProfileArtifacts{ChangedProfileName: savePath},
r, err := ioutil.ReadFile(savePath)
if err != nil {
logrus.WithError(err).Fatalf("read file %s failed", path)
assert.Equal(t, string(r), expectContent)
func TestRunPresubmitFulldiff(t *testing.T) {
org := "qbox"
repo := "kodo"
prNum := "1"
buildId := "1266322425771986946"
jobName := "kodo-pull-integration-test"
robotName := "qiniu-bot"
githubCommentPrefix := ""
githubTokenPath := "token"
//mock local profile
pwd, err := os.Getwd()
2020-07-24 09:27:03 +00:00
assert.NoError(t, err)
localPath := defaultLocalPath
localProfileContent := `mode: atomic
"qiniu.com/kodo/apiserver/server/main.go:32.49,33.13 1 30
"qiniu.com/kodo/apiserver/server/main.go:42.49,43.13 1 0`
setup(localPath, localProfileContent)
defer os.Remove(path.Join(pwd, localPath))
// mock qiniu
conf := qiniu.Config{
Bucket: "artifacts",
qc, router, _, teardown := qiniu.MockQiniuServer(&conf)
defer teardown()
2020-07-21 03:49:57 +00:00
qiniu.MockRouterAPI(router, localProfileContent, 0)
ChangedProfilePath := "changed.cov"
defer os.Remove(path.Join(pwd, ChangedProfilePath))
//mock github client
setup(githubTokenPath, "")
defer os.Remove(path.Join(pwd, githubTokenPath))
prClient := github.NewPrClient(githubTokenPath, org, repo, prNum, robotName, githubCommentPrefix)
j := &Job{
JobName: jobName,
Org: org,
RepoName: repo,
PRNumStr: prNum,
BuildId: buildId,
PostSubmitJob: "kodo-postsubmits-go-st-coverage",
PostSubmitCoverProfile: "filterd.cov",
LocalProfilePath: localPath,
2020-07-24 11:24:07 +00:00
LocalArtifacts: &qiniu.ProfileArtifacts{ChangedProfileName: ChangedProfilePath},
QiniuClient: qc,
GithubComment: prClient,
FullDiff: true,
defer os.Remove(path.Join(os.Getenv("ARTIFACTS"), j.HtmlProfile()))
2020-07-24 09:27:03 +00:00
err = j.RunPresubmit()
assert.NoError(t, err)
2020-07-24 11:24:07 +00:00
func TestRunPresubmitError(t *testing.T) {
items := []struct {
prepare bool // 是否需要准备本地cov
j Job
err string
prepare: false,
j: Job{
LocalProfilePath: "unkown",
err: "no such file or directory",
prepare: true,
j: Job{
LocalProfilePath: defaultLocalPath,
QiniuClient: &clients.MockQnClient{},
prepare: true,
j: Job{
LocalProfilePath: defaultLocalPath,
QiniuClient: &clients.MockQnClient{ListSubDirsErr: errors.New("mock error")},
err: "mock error",
prepare: true,
j: Job{
LocalProfilePath: defaultLocalPath,
QiniuClient: &MockProfileQnClient{},
GithubComment: &clients.MockPrComment{GetPrChangedFilesRes: []string{"qiniu.com/kodo/apiserver/server/main.go"}},
FullDiff: true,
LocalArtifacts: &qiniu.ProfileArtifacts{ChangedProfileName: defaultChangedPath},
err: "",
2020-07-24 09:27:03 +00:00
2020-07-24 11:24:07 +00:00
for _, tc := range items {
if tc.prepare {
path := defaultLocalPath
setup(path, defaultContent)
defer os.Remove(path)
defer os.Remove(defaultChangedPath)
err := tc.j.RunPresubmit()
if tc.err == "" {
assert.NoError(t, err)
} else {
assert.Contains(t, err.Error(), tc.err)
2020-07-24 09:27:03 +00:00
type MockProfileQnClient struct {
func (s *MockProfileQnClient) ListSubDirs(prefix string) ([]string, error) {
2020-07-24 11:24:07 +00:00
return []string{defaultContent}, nil
2020-07-24 09:27:03 +00:00
func (s *MockProfileQnClient) ReadObject(key string) ([]byte, error) {
if key == "logs/1/finished.json" {
return []byte(`{"timestamp":1590750306,"passed":true,"result":"SUCCESS","repo-version":"76433418ea48aae57af028f9cb2fa3735ce08c7d"}`), nil
return []byte(""), nil
2020-07-24 11:24:07 +00:00
func TestGetFilesAndCovList(t *testing.T) {
items := []struct {
fullDiff bool
prComment github.PrComment
localP cover.CoverageList
baseP cover.CoverageList
err string
lenFiles int
lenCovList int
fullDiff: true,
prComment: &clients.MockPrComment{},
localP: cover.CoverageList{
{FileName: "qiniu.com/kodo/apiserver/server/main.go", NCoveredStmts: 2, NAllStmts: 2},
{FileName: "qiniu.com/kodo/apiserver/server/test.go", NCoveredStmts: 2, NAllStmts: 2},
baseP: cover.CoverageList{
{FileName: "qiniu.com/kodo/apiserver/server/main.go", NCoveredStmts: 1, NAllStmts: 2},
{FileName: "qiniu.com/kodo/apiserver/server/test.go", NCoveredStmts: 1, NAllStmts: 2},
lenFiles: 2,
lenCovList: 2,
fullDiff: false,
prComment: &clients.MockPrComment{GetPrChangedFilesErr: errors.New("mock error")},
err: "mock error",
fullDiff: false,
prComment: &clients.MockPrComment{},
lenFiles: 0,
lenCovList: 0,
fullDiff: false,
prComment: &clients.MockPrComment{GetPrChangedFilesRes: []string{"qiniu.com/kodo/apiserver/server/main.go"}},
localP: cover.CoverageList{
{FileName: "qiniu.com/kodo/apiserver/server/main.go", NCoveredStmts: 2, NAllStmts: 2},
{FileName: "qiniu.com/kodo/apiserver/server/test.go", NCoveredStmts: 2, NAllStmts: 2},
baseP: cover.CoverageList{
{FileName: "qiniu.com/kodo/apiserver/server/main.go", NCoveredStmts: 1, NAllStmts: 2},
{FileName: "qiniu.com/kodo/apiserver/server/test.go", NCoveredStmts: 1, NAllStmts: 2},
lenFiles: 1,
lenCovList: 1,
for i, tc := range items {
files, covList, err := getFilesAndCovList(tc.fullDiff, tc.prComment, tc.localP, tc.baseP)
if err != nil {
assert.Equal(t, err.Error(), tc.err)
} else {
assert.Equal(t, len(files), tc.lenFiles)
assert.Equal(t, len(covList), tc.lenCovList)
func TestSetDeltaCovLinks(t *testing.T) {
covList := cover.DeltaCovList{{FileName: "file1", BasePer: "5%", NewPer: "5%", DeltaPer: "0"}}
j := &Job{
QiniuClient: &clients.MockQnClient{},
// functions to be done
func TestRunPostsubmit(t *testing.T) {
j := &Job{}
err := j.RunPostsubmit()
assert.NoError(t, err)
func TestRunPeriodic(t *testing.T) {
j := &Job{}
err := j.RunPeriodic()
assert.NoError(t, err)
func TestFetch(t *testing.T) {
j := &Job{}
res := j.Fetch("buidID", "name")
assert.Equal(t, res, []byte{})