goc is a comprehensive coverage testing system for The Go Programming Language, especially for some complex scanrios,like system testing code coverage collecting and
To install goc tool, you need to install Go first (**version 1.11+ is required**), then:
```go get -u github.com/qiniu/goc```
## Examples
You can use goc tool in many scenarios.
### Code Coverage Collection for your Golang System Tests
Goc can collect code coverages at run time for your long-run golang applications. To do that, normally just need three steps:
1. use `goc server` to start a service registry center:
➜ simple-go-server git:(master) ✗ goc server
2. use `goc build` to build the target service, and run the generated binary. Here let's take the [simeple-go-server](https://github.com/CarlJi/simple-go-server) project as example: